청정원 쇠고기맛나 1KG x 10
청정원 쇠고기맛나 1KG x 10
Made from fresh beef and beef concentrate, giving it a rich and light beef broth.
Refined salt (domestic), sodium L-glutamate, starch (corn-imported), refined sugar, mixed seasoning mix M [flour syrup, seasoning premix (made in China), bouillon base (made in Singapore), black pepper powder], Beef Premix-2 (Australia), Beef Concentrate M [Beef Meat Extract (Beef-Australia)], Soy Sauce Powder, Vegetable Oil, Garlic Concentrate, Tuna Seasoning Paste, Flavor Enhancer, Onion Paste ● Beef 4%
Per 100g of calories 215kcal Carbohydrates 36gㅣSugar 13gㅣFat 3.5gㅣProtein 11g
Store out of direct sunlight and seal after opening.
원재료명 및 함량
정제소금(국산), L-글루타민산나트륨,정백당, 혼합양념믹스M[가루엿,양념프리믹스(중국산),부용베이스(싱가포르산),흑후추분], 쇠고기프리믹스-2(호주산), 쇠고기농축액M[쇠고기정육추출액(쇠고기-호주산)], 장조미분말, 식물성유지, 마늘농축액,향미증진제, 양파페이스트 ● 쇠고기 4%
영양 성분
열량 100g당 215kcal 탄수화물 36gㅣ당류 13gㅣ지방 3.5gㅣ단백질 11g
보관 방법
직사광선을 피하여 보관하시고 개봉 후에는 밀봉하여 보관하십시오.
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*제품 이미지 저작권은 제작자에게 있습니다.
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